Social side of ESG

“Sustainable development and the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) are not only principles in our company that apply to the environment and the climate. Each component of ESG is equally important to us so we place as much importance on social responsibility as on corporate governance. This comprehensive approach to responsibility can be seen especially now, during the war in Ukraine” says Dagmara Janik, Brand Director at 7R.

Care for the wellbeing of local communities is an important element of an ESG strategy. Every company operates under particular conditions and has to consider its effect on its surroundings. This can be seen very clearly in recent months when so many companies have joined the action of helping Ukraine and people who had to leave their country as a result of the war.

In this difficult situation for our eastern neighbours, the business has shown what responsibility means. The scale of companies' involvement in various types of assistance is growing day by day. Empathy, which may once have been a word not directly associated with business, has been one of its priority values for at least several years. What makes us even happier is the cooperation between companies in the field of corporate social responsibility.

says Dagmara Janik

Brand Director at 7R

7R has joined actions organized by the Polish Red Cross, Pracodawcy RP and Corporate Connections. Additionally, the company’s warehouse in Kielce has become a collection site for humanitarian aid organized by the Świętokrzyski Urząd Wojewódzki.

Social engagement

The issues that confront society are closely related to environmental issues. 7R builds environmentally-friendly warehouse and production buildings while bearing in mind how modern technology can help achieve climate neutrality. For this reason, solar panels, are more and more often being used in its developments, water management practices are employed and on the surrounding grounds, flower meadows or additional shrubbery are planted. This is important both for those who work in a given building and also for local residents because 7R buildings meld into the landscape to become an integral part of it.

When we appear in any new location, we become part of the local community and become equally responsible for it. That’s why we invest in – among other things – projects and solutions that make our presence as beneficial as possible for our neighbours whether our centre is in a city or the countryside.

says Dagmara Janik

Our company reacts flexibly to change on an everyday basis we remember our social responsibilities.

“We talk with local residents and local authorities. When needs appear or issues that need to be addressed arise in our investment plans, we listen. When an opportunity arises to help locally, we act,” explains Dagmara Janik.

For example, during the pandemic 7R supplied the hospital in Starachowice a CareBox module to act as an Accident & Emergency ward for patients suspected to have contracted the coronavirus.

Warehouse culture

A company’s social responsibility can, after all, take on many forms. For 7R, one of these is to combine the world of art with industry and to add an interesting environmentally-friendly twist.

“We initiated our own concept of art promotion – 7R Warehouse of art. As part of this project, in 2019 there was already an exhibition of graphics in the interior of our warehouse. This year, in cooperation with the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, we organized the first edition of a nationwide competition for artists at the beginning of their professional career, which at the same time promotes environmental issues,” says Brand Director at 7R.

As many as 26 works were submitted to the competition in three different categories: mural, eco-friendly gadget and ergonomic seat. The leitmotif was the slogan “Technology. Ecology. Man. Coexistence”. The competition jury selected 3 winners in each category. Selected projects are to be implemented in 7R warehouses.

The submitted works illustrate an excellent understanding of pro-ecological topics and are characterized by original ideas and an expressive artistic language.

Supporting young artists and educating in the field of ecology are part of our activities responding to the challenges in the areas of Environmental and Social responsibility” – adds Dagmara Janik.

Hence, among others sponsorship and support of the 7R Rowmix Team p / b 72D cycling group (road and MTB) or co-organization with the city of Gdynia 7R CST MTB Gdynia Marathon.

ESG is like a linked circulatory system. Every hidden part of this abbreviation affects the others, which is why only comprehensive activities can have the desired effects. The ways to achieve environmental, social and governance goals may be different, but there can be no doubt that businesses must behave responsibly.

concludes Dagmara Janik

As Brand Director, Dagmara is responsible for the implementation of the marketing strategy of the 7R brand, including sponsorship and broad social activities.

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